In The Reflection...

"Avoid mirrors at all cost" My old mantra.

For years, I tried to avoid catching my profile in a storefront or in a mirror at a friend's house.

I didn't need to see what I already knew.

I was overweight. No no I was obese.

I could FEEL that in my bones. I didn't need a mirror to confirm that for me.

So for awhile I tried to just use a tiny mirror to put on makeup and that was about it.

I didn't even like catching my reflection in the doors of the Subway.


As I embarked on my weight loss journey of 2005/2006, I did so in an unhealthy way - eating disorders. But, as the compliments came in: "Oh keep doing whatever you are doing. You look great." The inner confidence rose and I started looking into the mirror a little more. The outside had changed, but the inside was still the same.

I still looked into the mirror and saw the 230 lb me. Even though I was 180 at the time.

As I got healthier and the weight crept back on - out went the mirrors.

Again I hid in my own self-hatred and self-abuse.

But when I joined Weight Watchers in November 2009, I wanted to lose the weight in a healthy way and really start to feel the changes on the inside as well.

As the weight came off, slow and steady, I again broke out the mirrors and started looking. Again the cycle started, ugh you need to lose weight, too many rolls, you have more to lose, etc.

But, then I started reflecting more. Someone told me once to really inspect what you saw in the mirror. So instead of glancing head to toe on my body, I would just stare back into my own eyes. THAT was the true way to see my soul. To see what was on the inside.

Once I started looking past the physical and into the mental, I started changing my habits. If the old knee jerk reaction kicked in of negativity talking about my body. I immediately changed the focus back to looking in my own eyes and I had to follow it up with a compliment.

For example:

"Oh those thighs are so fat" ... "Those thighs have taken you through x half marathons and y marathons"

"You are so wide" ... "I have excess skin from weight loss and I am working on toning it up"

"You still look like you weigh 235 lbs" ... ???

And that's the one. The comment that creeps back into my head on a regular basis.

When I have a bad food week, when I look at race photos or when I am just feeling down, I can look in the mirror and still see the "before" me. So how does one banish those images?

That is the magic question. Here is what helps me:

1) It begins with an internal conversation (like above) that has to happen.

I remind myself that: I am no longer that person. I have come too far to discredit myself. I am WORTHY of the happiness I feel at my current weight. 

2) I try to figure out what is really wrong. I am clearly manifesting something other issue/emotion/problem into thinking I am back to my before weight.

Maybe I overate the night before. Maybe I am upset that I didn't get a job I applied for. Maybe I am just sad.

(Remember it is okay to just feel emotions)


3) Reach out to a close personal friend/confidant. Someone that has been through the journey with me.

4) When all else fails take out that before picture. I always keep one on my phone or in my WW tracker.

And if all that fails ... reach out to me! I'll set that mind right for you! :)

Occasionally you need to hear it from someone else ... and that is okay!

Why does it take the brain so long to catch up with the physical weight loss?

Who knows?

But we just need to keep snapping it back to the present ... aka Reality!!


Do you experience this same problem? How do you bring yourself back to the real image in the mirror?

Mirror ... Mirror ...

For so many years I hid from the mirrors on the walls ... For so many years I hid from the photographs of everything ...

But that all changed - thanks to Weight Watchers!

I even mentioned this in my "Only Human" video for the latest Weight Watchers campaign, which you can check out here:

[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=tpcEJr7q7iU&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=" id="ep4267" /]

When did it really dawn on me that things changed?

Why on Tuesday!



This past weekend the race director (Eddie) for the Cambridge 5k race series asked me to be one of the featured runners for the upcoming inaugural Freedom Run on May 26.

Ahhh someone wanted ME to be in a picture for their race!


Here are a couple of shots from the shoot:



I met Eddie at City Sports in Downtown Crossing and felt confident enough with myself to actually go through with it. Of course in my head, I had come up with reasons NOT to do it, but I wanted to prove to myself that I am changing for the better.

Being able to finally step in front of the camera or stopping to look at myself in the mirror is a huge leap forward for me.

I may not like everything that is looking back at me, but at least now I like myself enough to give myself the time of day.

For too long I hid from seeing what I had let myself become.

Now I am learning to embrace my body faults and all.


Yes people call me vain for posting pictures of myself on my website/Twitter/Facebook page.

Full of myself.

Yes people tell me that I have changed and become someone who is full of themselves.


Yes people say they stop following me because I post too many pictures of how I look.

TO those people I say "your loss" - my blog/Facebook page/Twitter account etc are places where I share the highs and lows of weight loss and fitness journey.

IF you think I am vain or boastful, then you really don't read what I write or know me at all.

I am FAR from those things.

I am a girl working to accept my body faults and all.

I am PROUD that I can now take the step from behind the camera to the front of it.

I am HAPPY that by taking the time to look in the mirror I am now acknowledging that I am worthy enough to look at ...