Monday Musings (a day late): Labor Day Weekend Fun & Beer

I hope you all like pictures!! :) I have a ton from this long weekend and a cute toddle. Let's dig right in!

Friday started off with a bang. A great weigh-in (oh hey 157.4) and my longest bike ride to date (56.29).

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Once the hardest work of my weekend was out of the way I was ready to enjoy the people in my life and the awesome weather on the docket.

Okay just kidding. I had some blog work to get done before the fun could start.

My wife actually got out of work early so we took the opportunity to get together for a little Sangria date at Papagayo at Assembly Row.


It is sooo nice having the shops/restaurants at Assembly Row open up here in Somerville ... especially since it is across the street from our house. ;)

We called it an easy low-key evening as we had a packed Saturday planned.

Well Saturday wasn't all fun action planned.

I started by walking to my Weight Watchers meeting. Proud of myself for attending 11 of the 12 meetings this summer. It feels so nice to be back with my member hat on and it has really led to my success this summer.

After my meeting I walked home to get to work. I had some blog work to get done, while the wife was working on a side project she took on.

Before taking on our busy Saturday afternoon, I convinced the wife to bike along me while I knocked out a 4.6 mile run.


It really does help pass the time and is extra QT time to have her there.

With the day's workout in the books, it was Saturday afternoon time.

Lunch with a side of Baxter Stowaway IPA at John Brewer Tavern (Malden).

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Can I tell you that grocery shopping is a little bit easier after a beer? ;)

After grocery shopping, the rest of the day was filled with giving our apartment a deep clean before our guest were to arrive the next day. No one said the Saturday was going to be 100% fun.

We enjoyed the Weight Watchers Grilled Tequila, Citrus and Jalapeno Chicken with broccoli and wine for dinner. It was delicious!! I highly recommend it.

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After a tiring afternoon of cleaning, Netflix was on the agenda for the evening.

Sunday morning called for an early wake-up so I could get my swim workout done before my best friend and her family arrived.

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The workout wasn't the best, but I gave it my all and was happy I got up early to do it.

After a quick stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way home, it was time to prepare for the cutest 2 year old on the planet.

The best friend wanted to get a quick run in when she got there so we walked the significant others and 2 year old down to the park so we could get our run in.

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Running is always better with a friend.

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Joanna really enjoyed the water jets at the park. Oh and of course she figured out how to use the jets before the adults with her. ;)


Once everyone did a quick costume change/clean-up, it was time to head out to Night Shift Brewery (Everett, MA).






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It was a great location. We each tried the flight of 4 beers (4oz each) for $8. Thanks to Untappd (Friend Me). I recorded my samples: Art #29 - JavaPine, Morph (8/19/14), Trifecta and Whirlpool.

Big thanks to Night Shift Taproom for being open on a Sunday!!

The BFF and her family had another engagement for dinner so the wife and I enjoyed some BLTs with real bacon (our once a month treat)! We had apple cured bacon and it was delicious.

When they got back from dinner, it was game time. We tried out the wife's card game Poop (similar to UNO) before switching to the trusty Apples to Apples.


Now thankfully they are as old as I am and were down for a early bedtime (aka before 11pm). Yes I am that cool. :P

Usually the little lady will wake up around 6:30/7, but on this day she and the rest of us slept until 8am, which was late for everyone in the house. It was kind of glorious.

We wanted to make the most of our time together before they had to leave in the early afternoon to get back to Maine.

So we loaded the troops up in sunblock and headed over to the Assembly Row playground.

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I mean is she not the cutest thing ever?

Following a little too much time in the Sun, we headed over to the Lego Store so Joanna the wife could buy a toy.

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The Wife (hoodie) and I

I will commend the wife on picking out Lego "us" to take on adventures. I just need to find a beer mug for mine like my friend Dacia!!

It was finally time to head home and start getting our grill on for lunch.


What a busy "rest day," huh?

The wife did a great job grilling out some steak tips, chicken, corn on the cob, green beans and squash. A great well-balanced lunch with friends.

We worked with Joanna on cheering "Go Aunt Dani!" as she will be on-site for my race on Sunday. Yup, I will have the cutest spectator out there.

Before I knew it it was time for my favorite family out of Maine to head home. Luckily I will see them next week, but it is always hard to say goodbye.

With the heat rising and our guests gone, we spent the rest of Monday hiding in the air conditioned bedroom enjoying the Sherlock Holmes show on the BBC thanks to Netflix. Have you seen that show? It only has 3 episodes per season, but each is like a mini movie. They are amazing works of art and directed by the director of Dr. Who.

Overall I had one exhausting weekend with less workouts than I had been used to since this weekend kicked off taper week for the Half Ironman.


Since this was a long weekend, I allowed the #drinkend to include Monday. Here are the brews I enjoyed:

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Foley Brothers - Native IPA (highly recommend this!)


Left Hand Brewering 400 Pound Monkey


Ignore foam - Berkshire Brewing Company Black IPA - Brewer's Series #1

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Coronado Brewing Company - Sock Knocker (bought based on logo, but sooo good)

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Left Hand Brewing - Wake Up Dead (5 out of 5 stars)


Finally I turn 32 2 weeks from today and would love to have you celebrate with me by helping me #FightStroke!! Find out more info here. :) There is a sweeeet raffle involved.



Did you ring in Labor Day with friends or family?

Three Things Thursday: Book Edition

Books Books Books!!! I'm so excited to share what I've been reading with you all.

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Now these books are not your kick back on a Sunday afternoon looking to escape reality type stories. We are growing our minds here people. It's time to get our learn on.


First up, it's Snack Girl to the Rescue! (value $17.99)

snack girl

I've been following Lisa (aka Snack Girl) online (Twitter) for a few years so I was excited to check out her book.

In addition to dishing out 100 recipes (all under 400 calories), she shares her wisdom about weight loss, emotional eating, exercise, every day temptations, healthy cooking, as well as food marketing. Lisa, who is a mom of two, offers a friendly, witty and encouraging tone to her advice.

As a proponent of healthy living over "dieting," I agree with many of the points that Lisa brings up throughout Part 1 - Encouragement and Guidance - of the book.

When discussing creating a workout routine, she suggests:

Begin to see exercise as a gift to yourself rather than a burden

AMEN SISTER!! I love it and something I tell my Weight Watchers members often.

Speaking of Weight Watchers, Lisa offers the nutrition facts on all of her recipes, which made it easy for me to calculate the Points Plus Values. I made sure to calculate and write them on the recipes as soon as I received the book.

You can find the 100 recipes in Part 2 - Recipes (catchy I know) - of the book, which includes the philosophy behind her recipes, the recipes themselves, and a handy pantry list.

Instead of just giving you the facts for the recipes, Lisa shares a personal story or anecdote with each. For example, on her Beef and Veggie Cottage Pie (pg 178 - 5PPV per serving), she writes:

The original recipe was created to use up the leftover roast meat and potatoes from the night before. My version uses ground beer because most of us aren't eating beef roasts very often.

The recipe section is broken up into Breakfast, Mains, Sides, Snacks and Desserts. Oh be sure to check out the No-Bake Brownie Balls (2 PPV each) on page 253 and bring some by if you stop at my house anytime soon. ;)

So if you are looking for a relatable, realistic and entertaining recipe book, check out Snack Girl to the Rescue!


The best book on the list is one I have been holding on to since April and kept meaning to share, but those darn races were in my way. ;)

I give you The Runner's World Big Book of Running for Beginners!! (value $21.99)

runn w

The book is co authored by some heavy hitters in the running community: Bart Yasso, Jen Van Allen, and Amby Burfoot. Ummm exactly amazing.

Now when I started running I didn't know anything and didn't really know where to go for help. I really wish there was a book like this around in 2005. It even features five training plans to help you start exercising, start running, run nonstop, run faster, and run longer.

Additionally you can find inspirational stories from people who used running as a tool to lose weight, stop smoking, overcome illness and heartache, and manage chronic pain. Who doesn't love a motivational story?

There are three main parts to the book: Getting Started; Nutrition and Weight Loss; and Staying Healthy and Managing Injuries. These three authors pretty much run the gamut to cover any potential questions you may have.

In the Keys to Success (pg 56) within Chapter 2 (Become A Runner In Five Easy Steps) they stress being flexible. Now not physically, while I am sure that can help, but rather with the training plans.

Don't feel like you have to do these workouts on the days specified here. Do the workouts on whatever day gives you enough time to do the workout and clean up without feeling rushed.

Seems pretty basic, right? Well when I started out I thought I was an EPIC failure if I didn't follow the training plans to the letter. I've learned through the years that the plan is there for you to be tweaked as you/life needs it.

In addition to the mounds of information in my now overly highlighted copy, they even have a Guide To Common Running Terms. Thank you! So often people would be rattling off about fartleks, VO2 max and stride length and I would have ZERO idea what they heck they were talking about. Now you can find all those answers in once place.

I have recommended this book to countless newbie runners and even some folks like myself who think they know what is going on. Hey, I admit that I do not know a lot about running and will take all opportunities to learn and improve.

Pick up this book and you too can learn to "act like a runner even when you're not exercising!"


There is NO hiding it here on the blog that I am scared of my bike and not a fan of riding it outdoors that much. ;) I am working on it folks so when offered the chance to check out a couple cycling books I jumped pedaled at the chance.

The Big Book of Cycling for Beginners by Tori Bortman (value $21.99) and the Essential Road Bike Maintenance Handbook by Todd Downs (value $14.99).

BBOC Cover

The Big Book of Cycling for Beginners is breaking it down for us in topics like:

• Selecting a bicycle that best fits you and your needs • How to appropriately outfit yourself with gear and equipment • Basic riding and etiquette skills, including how to navigate traffic • The anatomy of a bicycle and its various components • Body tune up for greater endurance, strength, and speed • Training and Nutrition • Maintaining your bike, how to perform routine repairs

The 10-Part book really takes you from deciding what type of biker you are planning to be - Recreational Rider, Fitness Cyclist or Racing Cyclist - to tuning your own ride - what you can control and what the experts at the bike shop should handle.

I personally spent most of my time in Part 7 - Well, How Do You Do? Road Etiquette - as I haven't spent a ton of time on the open streets with my bike Roxie. Like did you know there are not only hand signals for signaling and stopping, but potholes, narrowing roads and parked cars? Yeah I definitely didn't. Now I know the arm signals as well as the "shout-out" for each. These are especially important when riding in a group.

I also took my highlighter out for most of Part 10 - Tuning Your Ride - as I have so much to learn about bike maintenance. There are so many parts that need attention on one lovely bike: chains, wheels, frames, etc.

But, if the Big Book of Cycling doesn't offer enough on Bike Maintenance, there is the Essential Road Bike Maintenance Handbook.

Maintenance Cover

Readers will find a comprehensive guide to bike repair and simple solutions to common problems riders regularly face. With step-by-step instructions and links to various how-to videos via, this handy guide will save money and aggravation by distilling core bike-maintenance fundamentals.

This book is so helpful that I've been known to shove it into the back bag under my bike seat just in case. You never know when something can go wrong. Am I right?

So for my fellow newbies, I plead you to pick up the Big Book of Cycling for Beginners - you won't be disappointed.


Have you read or used any of the books I mentioned?

Review: Flapjacked Protein Pancakes

For those that may be new to the little slice of the internet I like to call Weight Off My Shoulders, here is a big fact to know about me... I.



Wow! Feels good to get that off my chest.

Thankfully I married a lovely girl who can cook, BUT there are times when she is NOT home and I must fend for myself.

It can get ugly. I actually cut myself cutting cucumbers the other day. Yup. Blood everywhere.

So clearly I need options that are pretty safe.

Apparently flapJacked heard my plea and invented Protein Pancakes!

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If you can't read what it says on the package, let me clue you in: "Just Add Water"

Oh come again you may ask.

Yes, all you have to do is add mix and water.

Okay, even I can handle that amount of work.

Soooo let's see how it went.

1) Whisk 1 cup of mix with 1 cup of water until well blended.

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1a) Let sit 3-5 minutes.


2) Heat griddle.


(Note: I am freakin' OWNING this pancake adventure thus far!)

3) Pour batter into 6-8 four inch pancakes.

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Confession: I let the wife pour the pancake batter on the griddle. Look she made them the perfect size!!! #WorthIt

4) Cook.

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Since we were working on the brinner theme (breakfast for dinner), I opted to add some turkey bacon on the griddle after the pancakes were done.

And verdict was????

Freakin' delicious!

We made these after I came in from an evening run so they were a perfect way to refuel. Yes I added a glass of low fat chocolate milk. But drank it too quickly for the pic. ;)

I went simple and made the buttermilk flavor, but flapJacked also offers Banana Hazelnut and Cinnamon Apple.

Besides being tasty, the whole process took about 15 minutes. So something I can make in a pinch for breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner or brinner. ;)

For those counting Weight Watchers points, 2 pancakes (or 1/2 a cup of mix) is 5 PPV or 4 pancakes (1 cup of mix) is 10 PPV. Totally workable into your plan, especially as a way to refuel during a busy weekend.

I am excited to try out the other flavors in the next few weeks. PLUS, the website offers a ton of recipe ideas using all three flavors. Ummm there is something about chocolate chip pancakes on there and I am salivating on my laptop!

If you are thinking about trying flapJacked pancakes, use code WEIGHTOFFMYSHOULDERS for 20% off your order through May 31!!


Have you tried flapJacked pancakes?

(Disclosure: I received the product free as part of this review, but all thoughts are my own!)

Must Have: Runner's World Cookbook

I love eating. I love cookbooks. I love my wife who loves cooking. Now, I personally don't cook, but that doesn't stop me from choosing recipes that look amazing to give my wife to make. ;)

It is a team effort. I am a great grocery shopper and dish washer. Okay we have a dishwasher, but I can load and unload it like no other!

But I digress.

This Fall, I had the opportunity to obtain a free copy of the Runner's World Cookbook (value $26.99) thanks to Runner's World. The book came in the mail and I was already drooling just looking at the cover.

Can you spot the drool marks or did I wipe it all off?

The Cookbook was actually released on October 1st, but with a crazy Fall racing schedule I didn't even get the crack the cover until Halloween. Fail on my part I know. But the first thing I did once I had time was calculate the Weight Watchers Points Values for all recipes.

Thankfully each recipe had the nutrition information on the bottom so it was an easy task.

The cookbook was edited by Runner's World nutrition editor Joanna Sayago Golub, who also hosts's nutrition Web series Quick Bites, and featured a foreward by Olympian Deena Kastor, who holds the American marathon and half-marathon record holder.

I loved when Deena wrote:

The Runner's World Cookbook can help you accomplish these dual goals - creating meals made with simple ingredients to fuel your training while helping build relationships with those you love... These recipes will satisfy, empower, and keep you running optimally-while meeting any dietary need or craving you have.

With that I was sold and couldn't wait to try out the recipes.But before I made it to the recipes, there was an informative introduction on "how to eat like a runner," which is something I am still trying to understand. Especially with what to eat when trying to heal, refuel or grow stronger.

The cookbook is a collection of 150 recipes covering breakfast, soups, pizza, burgers, desserts and so much more. There is also a color-coded Recipe Key at the top of each recipe letting you know if the recipe meets certain training goals (prerun, recovery) or dietary needs (vegan, low-calorie, etc).

Choosing our first recipe to make was a tough decision, but after a little game of paper, rock, scissors (the adult way to make a decision) we chose...

... and it was delicious!! Worth every Weight Watcher Point for sure.

The recipe was created by cookbook writer and runner Patricia Wells, who recommended it for either the night before a long run or a post-run recovery with it carbs goodness.

The Soba Noodles recipe is designed for post-run recovery and fast, which meant it could be prepared in 30 minutes or less.

We had a little journey finding the Soba noodles, but thankfully there is a great Asian market near our house that had them in stock.

Most of the ingredients went into a bowl to create the sauce, while the sesame seeds, peanuts and cilantro went in a separate bowl as the garnish (pictured below). The cooked chicken and soba noodles were separate.

Once the soba noodles cooked (which took about 5 minutes), you mixed in the sauce to make sure the noodles were all coated then added in the chicken.

Only then was it time to add the finishing touch ... the garnish.

Doesn't this look delicious? I hope so because it was.

Our dish did end up having a lot more sesame seeds than we saw in the cookbook picture, but we weren't complaining.

I was impressed with how quickly the recipe came together and the flavors were great. I would definitely enjoy having something like this the night before a long training run or after a marathon.

Normally I want to take carbo-loading the wrong way (aka allow myself to order pizza and french fries), but I think this cookbook will allow me to really explore the different avenues of true carbo-loading.

As I continue with Dopey Challenge training and start Boston Marathon training, I think this cookbook will serve as a great tool to properly fueling my body this winter. It has the "comfort foods" I am looking for in pizza and pasta, but with a healthier, more nutritious twist.

If you are someone who is wondering what to eat while training for a half marathon or marathon, I really recommend this book. It covers breakfast, lunch and dinner, while adding in smoothies and desserts. One cookbook will cover your entire training.

Now what to cook next?

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this book by Rodale, but all opinions of the Cookbook are my own!

In The Reflection...

"Avoid mirrors at all cost" My old mantra.

For years, I tried to avoid catching my profile in a storefront or in a mirror at a friend's house.

I didn't need to see what I already knew.

I was overweight. No no I was obese.

I could FEEL that in my bones. I didn't need a mirror to confirm that for me.

So for awhile I tried to just use a tiny mirror to put on makeup and that was about it.

I didn't even like catching my reflection in the doors of the Subway.


As I embarked on my weight loss journey of 2005/2006, I did so in an unhealthy way - eating disorders. But, as the compliments came in: "Oh keep doing whatever you are doing. You look great." The inner confidence rose and I started looking into the mirror a little more. The outside had changed, but the inside was still the same.

I still looked into the mirror and saw the 230 lb me. Even though I was 180 at the time.

As I got healthier and the weight crept back on - out went the mirrors.

Again I hid in my own self-hatred and self-abuse.

But when I joined Weight Watchers in November 2009, I wanted to lose the weight in a healthy way and really start to feel the changes on the inside as well.

As the weight came off, slow and steady, I again broke out the mirrors and started looking. Again the cycle started, ugh you need to lose weight, too many rolls, you have more to lose, etc.

But, then I started reflecting more. Someone told me once to really inspect what you saw in the mirror. So instead of glancing head to toe on my body, I would just stare back into my own eyes. THAT was the true way to see my soul. To see what was on the inside.

Once I started looking past the physical and into the mental, I started changing my habits. If the old knee jerk reaction kicked in of negativity talking about my body. I immediately changed the focus back to looking in my own eyes and I had to follow it up with a compliment.

For example:

"Oh those thighs are so fat" ... "Those thighs have taken you through x half marathons and y marathons"

"You are so wide" ... "I have excess skin from weight loss and I am working on toning it up"

"You still look like you weigh 235 lbs" ... ???

And that's the one. The comment that creeps back into my head on a regular basis.

When I have a bad food week, when I look at race photos or when I am just feeling down, I can look in the mirror and still see the "before" me. So how does one banish those images?

That is the magic question. Here is what helps me:

1) It begins with an internal conversation (like above) that has to happen.

I remind myself that: I am no longer that person. I have come too far to discredit myself. I am WORTHY of the happiness I feel at my current weight. 

2) I try to figure out what is really wrong. I am clearly manifesting something other issue/emotion/problem into thinking I am back to my before weight.

Maybe I overate the night before. Maybe I am upset that I didn't get a job I applied for. Maybe I am just sad.

(Remember it is okay to just feel emotions)


3) Reach out to a close personal friend/confidant. Someone that has been through the journey with me.

4) When all else fails take out that before picture. I always keep one on my phone or in my WW tracker.

And if all that fails ... reach out to me! I'll set that mind right for you! :)

Occasionally you need to hear it from someone else ... and that is okay!

Why does it take the brain so long to catch up with the physical weight loss?

Who knows?

But we just need to keep snapping it back to the present ... aka Reality!!


Do you experience this same problem? How do you bring yourself back to the real image in the mirror?

Hungry Girl's 'Cue the Pulled Pork

I love pulled pork, but on Weight Watchers the PPV can get rather high so in the meantime I was using pulled chicken... ... until we found Hungry Girl's crockpot recipe for Pulled Pork that was not only DELICIOUS, but PPV-friendly.

Now some healthier versions of pulled pork leave something to the imagination - they are a little off - usually when it comes to the BBQ taste.

BUT, Hungry Girl - as usual - doesn't disappoint. Her recipe is easy to follow, fills the house with an amazing aroma and his just plain YUMMY!

I mean have you ever had a bad Hungry Girl recipe? I assume the answer is a loud NO because I never have!


Serving Size: (2/3 cup) 220 calories 6g fat 637mg sodium 16g carbs 1g fiber 12g sugars 24g protein

PointsPlus® value 5


Prep: 10 minutes Cook: 3 - 4 hours or 7 - 8 hours


1 cup canned tomato sauce 1/2 cup ketchup 2 tbsp. plus 2 tsp. cider vinegar 2 tbsp. plus 2 tsp. brown sugar (lightly packed) 2 tsp. garlic powder 12 oz. raw lean boneless pork tenderloin, trimmed of excess fat 12 oz. raw boneless pork shoulder (the leanest piece you can find), trimmed of excess fat 1/4 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. black pepper 2 cups roughly chopped onion (about 1 large onion) Optional: crushed red pepper



To make the sauce, place tomato sauce, ketchup, cider vinegar, brown sugar, and garlic powder in a crock pot. Stir until mixed. Season both types of pork with salt and pepper and add to the pot. Top with onion and lightly stir.

Cover and cook until pork is fully cooked, on high for 3 - 4 hours or on low for 7 - 8 hours. (We opted on low for 8 hours)

Remove all the pork and place it in a large bowl. Shred each piece using two forks -- one to hold the pork in place and the other to scrape across the meat and shred it. Return the shredded pork to the crock pot and mix well with the sauce.

If you're serving a group, keep the crock pot on its lowest setting, so the pork stays warm. Season to taste with crushed red pepper, if using. Yum time!



The pulled pork is wicked tender and tastes as if we were at a BBQ joint.

Last time we had it we decided to pair it with my wife's mashed potatoes (which are 6PP for 1 cup)... today we will make some waffle fries in the oven (1 serving = 4 PP).

Hungry Girl's Orange You Glad? Chicken

This recipe actually appeared in Hungry Girl's Daily email on February 28, 2012. And since that date we have made this recipe AT LEAST five times.

It is absolutely amazing ... and easy to do, which makes it even better! :)


Serving Size: 1/2 of recipe (about 1 cup) Calories: 284 Fat: 2g Sodium: 910mg Carbs: 26g Fiber: 2g Sugars: 8.5g Protein: 37g

PointsPlus® value 7*


Ingredients: 1/4 cup whole-wheat flour 10 oz. raw boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces 1/8 tsp. each salt and black pepper 1/4 cup fat-free liquid egg substitute (like Egg Beaters Original) 1/4 cup fat-free chicken broth 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 1/2 tbsp. low-sugar orange marmalade 1 1/2 tbsp. seasoned rice vinegar 1 tbsp. Splenda No Calorie Sweetener (granulated) 1 tbsp. reduced-sodium/lite soy sauce 1 tsp. chopped garlic 1 tsp. chopped ginger Dash red pepper flakes 2 tbsp. chopped scallions


Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray.

Place flour in a wide bowl.

Place chicken in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper. Top with egg substitute and toss to coat.

One at a time, shake chicken pieces to remove excess egg and coat with flour. Evenly lay chicken pieces on the baking sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through.

In a medium bowl, whisk broth with cornstarch until cornstarch has dissolved. Add marmalade, vinegar, sweetener, and soy sauce, and thoroughly whisk.

Bring a skillet sprayed with nonstick spray to medium heat. Cook and stir garlic and ginger until slightly softened and fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth mixture and red pepper flakes. Cook and stir until well mixed and slightly thickened, 1 to 2 minutes.

Remove skillet from heat, add chicken, and toss to coat. Serve topped with scallions and enjoy!


We have doubled (serving 4 people) and even tripled (serving six people) this recipe and it was just as delish as the single (serving 2 people) version!!
Last night, we paired it with a cup of brown rice so that the whole plate below was 12 PP ... and worth EVERY point. It was absolutely delicious!

Weight Watchers Cinnamon Rolls With Cream Cheese Frosting

The Weight Watchers Tastier Than Takeout cookbook may be my favorite of all the Weight Watchers cookbooks! Last Sunday, we made (okay the wife made) the Cinnamon Rolls With Cream Cheese Frosting found on page 235! We had been looking at this recipe for AGES and finally took the plunge to make them.

And they were DELICIOUS!!!!

**If you want the full recipe, you will need to purchase the WW Tastier Than Takeout cookbook, but here is a snippet about them...




brown sugar

granulated sugar



all-purpose flour

granulated sugar

baking powder

baking soda


fat-free buttermilk


unsalted butter


confectioners' sugar

light cream cheese

fat-free buttermilk

vanilla extract



*To make filling: simply combine all the ingredients in a small bowl.

*To make dough: spray baking dish with nonstick spray. Whisk together flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Whisk together buttermilk, egg and butter in small bowl. Add flour mixture and stir until dough forms. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead until smooth.

*With floured rolling pin, roll out dough on floured surface to 12x9 inch rectangle. Brush dough with butter and sprinkle with flour mixture. Tightly roll up dough from long side. Pinch seams to seal.

*Turn seam side down, and with serrated knife, cut into 12 slices. Arrange cut-side down in pan.

*Cover pan with foil & bake. Remove foil and bake until rolls are golden. Let cool.

*To make frosting: with electric mixer, beat all ingredients in small bowl until smooth.

*Spread frosting on rolls and let stand.


The rolls were absolutely phenomenal and worth every point. You could have 1 for 6 PP or 2 for 11 PP. Mmmm... I would recommend this recipe to anyone. Just pick up the cookbook and the entire recipe could be yours!!! :) :)

Grilled Tequila, Citrus And Jalapeño Chicken

This recipe came from the Weight Watchers "Best Darn Food Ever!" cookbook. I LOVE this cookbook is full of comfort foods ... without the extra Points Plus values! ;) As we know, I personally can't cook, but my wife and dad like to cook so that saves me! I am more than happy to shop/supervise/clean up the meals as long as someone else does the cooking...

The Grilled Tequila, Citrus And Jalapeño Chicken is a recipe we have made quite a few times since purchasing the cookbook. It is different, fun and easy to cook ... plus you can't go wrong with tequila in the ingredients!

Doesn't the pic look DELISH??

The wife had a great time mixing the ingredients all up:

* Lime Juice

* Orange Juice

* Tequila

* Jalapeño Pepper

* Garlic cloves

*Canola Oil


*Black Pepper

... and boy did it smell good!

The directions were easy - just combine all the ingredients - add chicken - and let marinate for up to 4 hours.

Simple. Direct. Doable.

We threw the chicken on the grill and opted to add some corn on the cob as well - why not, right? :)

I love grilling since the whole cooking process takes about 10-15 minutes and BAM dinner is served.

Doesn't this look awesome?

And it tasted as good as it looked. You could taste all the flavors - tequila, orange, lime, jalapeno - all for just 6 PointsPlus Values per serving.

Have you tried this recipe yet?