My quest to 1,000 Miles in 2013!!

2013 Total Mileage To Date: 1,150.00

January: 75.39

February: 102.22

March: 140.5

April: 76.89

May: 83.00

June: 72.01

July: 80.29

August: 129.00

September: 128.90

October: 65.40

November: 54.50

December: 141.9


Happy running!

#30for60 Challenge STARTS TODAY!

I think by now we have all learned I like a good challenge... #plankaday, #100ozchallenge, #pnptrackstar, #7daychip, #30daychip, etc. Obviously it was time to add another one!

Enter the #30for60 challenge created by my girl Samantha from Running and Cupcakes.

Sam first presented this challenge back in December 2011-January 2012, where I happily participated in. Here is the post I wrote halfway through the challenge: read on!

Once I heard Sam was considering bringing it back in preparation of Summer 2013, I HAD to be a part of it ... and Sam graciously agreed to let me pair up with her. YAY! :)


So here are the details:

The challenge will run from April 1-June 1 and the main just is simple - get moving for 30 minutes a day. This doesn't mean we need to hit the gym for 30 or more minutes a day since like everyone else I like/need a rest day at least once a week. But, we want to motivate people to get out there and get active with friends and families - take a walk, play some soccer in the backyard, have a dance party in the kitchen. Whatever you enjoy doing to get yourself off the couch will count!

Seems pretty simple right?

It is.

We will be tracking everyone's progress on the google spreadsheet I created - #30for60 Tracking - and you can update your stats at any point in time. Each column represents a 5-day period so if you successfully accomplish the challenge 3 out of the 5 days, you would mark a 3 in the column, etc etc.

Make sense?

You want in?

What you need more incentive?



Did that get your attention? Sam and I have been working to secure some amazing prizes for you all and will be sharing those throughout the next 60 days.

So if you are ready to get up, get moving and get ready for Summer then head on over to the #30for60 Tracking sheet and sign up!

And make sure you use the #30for60 hashtag and mention Sam (@RunCupcake) and I (@IrishEyes1982) up to speed on your progress. Use us as cheerleaders if you need to. (Note: Pom poms not included)

Let's Do This Folks!!

Who's with me?