Dynamic December Recap

On December 1st, I laid out six challenges that I wanted to complete during the month of December. I know people thought that was a lot, but I knew that many overlapped making the process a tad easier. Well, I can happily report that I not only completed the six tasks (pending injury), but I managed to lose 9 lbs during the last month. 9 whole pounds. Wow! I am pretty pretty pretty darn proud of myself.

This month helped me get back on track after an October and November when I felt I was slowly losing control on my eating habits. But now, I have been able to keep them under control for the past 35 days - ever since I got back from my Honeymoon ... and man do I feel good. :)

I feel in control ... strong ... healthy ... lean ... and most importantly: happy with where I am at right now.

I never really imagined that I would walk in to the gym and type my weight into a machine that started with a 1 then a 5. :)

Let's go through some of the challenges themselves...

1) #hlgFitGift - This challenge actually ended on Christmas Eve. It was a 90-day challenge and my goal was to work out for 30 min each of those days. I wasn't as focused at the beginning of the challenge, but I was able to knock out 30 min of activity every day from November 27-December 24. I had a little Healthy Loser Gal (Jan, who ran the challenge) on my shoulder making sure I hit the gym or the Lakefront.

2) #plankaday - This has been a challenge I have been involved with since August. I am feeling a long stronger since starting this. I am not a crunches type of person so doing planks is a great ab workout without having to get on the floor and do a bunch of crunches. Plus, planks don't bother my old neck injury like crunches do. This is a challenge I will keep with me for a loooong time. :)

3) #30for60 - This is an ongoing challenge that I will also keep participating in in 2012. It started December 1 and continues through the end of January. Goal is to complete at least 30 min of activity every day. This is great since Weight Watchers recommends the same thing so it really drives me to get to the gym in the mornings.

I actually told Samantha who started the challenge in a tweet the other day how much I enjoy putting my workouts in my excel spreadsheet and looking at how much I accomplished in the first month of the challenge. Can't wait to keep rocking it in January.

4) #back2basics - This has been the challenge that has changed me the most over the past 31 days. I decided that my goal would be to accurately track my point, complete the 5 Weight Watchers food healthy checks, measure my food and write down everything I eat and drink every day ... just like in the beginning of my Weight Watchers journey.

Wow! This has given me more than I could've thought. Besides losing 9 lbs and getting me within 4.2 lbs of my new goal weight, but I am feeling healthier and enjoying my well balanced diet. But, don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Chinese food, wine and tater tots ... just in moderation and built into my game plan for the week. :)

I will be continuing this challenge for as long as I can.

5) #FT100 - Well this challenge has been derailed by a recent IT band/patella injury, but as soon as I am cleared to get back to my normal running routine - I will pick up right where I left off!!

6) #30daychip - This has been another great motivator. I started this on November 27 when I got back from Hawaii. My #30daychip has been 4-fold: complete my daily #plankaday (also fulfilled #2), exercise for at least 30 min (also fulfilled #1, 3 & 4), track everything (also fulfilled #4) and to complete all 6 of the Weight Watchers Healthy Checks (also fulfilled #4). I have successfully checked off these four things for each of the past 35 days (today is day 36)! Again, I am going to keep this one going as long as I can...


Now comes the big decision ... after such a success Dynamic December, what will I challenge myself to accomplish in January? Plus, I need a catchy hashtag name! ;)