Cheers to 2012!

I've never been a huge New Year's Resolution person - probably because my resolution was always to lose weight and I could never focus enough to make that happen. In 2011, I had planned to make some resolutions, but as I entered the year with my back injury I decided to just focus on that and let the year progress as it did.

Wow! Things happened in 2011 that I never thought possible: my wife & I got to go on our honeymoon to Hawaii and I wore a bathing suit in public without feeling like a whale on the beach; I was picked as a "Success Story" by Weight Watchers not once, but on three separate occasions; I entered the year in the 180s and left in the 150s; I've cut four minutes off my 5k time and got it down to 25:34 (my PR); and finally, I was chosen as one of 7 people featured in a TimeOut Chicago issue about weight loss. (Thought I still haven't seen the article in print)

So what could I possibly want in 2012? Let's see what we can come up with:

1.) Thanks to my pal Mel, this one is easy: "makin' 2012 my Weight Watchers bitch" Oh yes indeed Mel, I am right there with you. :)

I hit my first WW weight goal (164) in 2011 then decided to lower my goal weight to my doctor's recommneded # (155). I am just 4.2 lbs from that goal so my goal for 2012 is to become Lifetime! (That means hit my goal weight and hold it for six consecutive weeks)

2.) Depending on work scheduling, I would love to become a Weight Watchers receptionist and then a Weight Watchers Leader. Many people have told me I should become a leader and after much consideration I agree with them. I would love to share my journey with more people and help them with their own weight loss journeys. Weight Watchers has done so much for me and I would like to pay it forward.

3.) Run. Just run.

But also continue to improve my running. I would love to cut even more time off my 5k PR. Hey! Anything is better than where you started, right?

4.) Weight Train. I am a cardio machine, but am always hesitant to venture on to the weights floor because I think people will judge my upper body strength, or lack of it. I will push out of my comfort zone and work out for me.

5.) Not only finish, but dominate the Savannah Rock 'n' Roll Full Marathon. I finished my one and only marathon in about 5:59 so I would love to finish this one in less than 5 hours, but either way I will not finish third to last like in 2006.

6.) Blog. I would love to continue to improve my blog and share my story with others. I cannot believe how far the blog has come in just seven months so I can only imagine what will happen after a full year.

7.) Push myself farther in my Twitter challenges. #7daychip, #back2basics, #30for60, #FT100, #100ozchallenge, #plankaday, and another others I may come across.

8.) Work on my self image. It is a progress, but I need to keep working on ending my self-deprecating comments.

9.) Stay positive. No matter what is thrown at me. I need to keep thinking about the positive things in my life. I always need to remember how far I have come.

10.) Explore. Flourish. Cherish. Share. Live.