Accountability With Myself... Fuhgeddaboudit!

Why can’t I be as accountable to myself as I am the others?

My most recent of 347849343 examples I could share: This Post!

Since the first therapy appointment, I shared with my therapist that I wanted to get back to writing in my little slice of the internet here. So she gave me the homework assignment to do that.

Well okay sure. Let me just jump right back in after basically a 3-year hiatus. But I didn’t look back and I did it.

Flash forward to 15 June and my therapist had to cancel our appointment last minute due to illness and we already had to skip our 22 June session as she would be on holiday. After 3-weeks of meeting, this is our first 2 week break. I feared I wouldn’t be able to keep up my end of the homework bargain when I didn’t see her.

Well folks - I let myself down. Okay not 100% let myself down but with 1 of the 3 homework items.

I do need to claim victories that every day I have still:

  • Written down what I did for myself that day (aiming for 60 minutes of me time)

  • How I felt in my body after 9,5 hours of working and if I kept working or successfully shut the laptop down

But for the blog post - it was the first to slide.

Why? Why can’t I follow through for myself like I do when my therapist, a friend or family member asks something of me?

Does anyone else suffer from this?

I know this is one of the many topics I will be working on with my therapist, but I am curious if anyone else faces this same struggle.

I am also thinking that when I see my therapist next week, I might need to create one of those punch cards! Ha! We’ve been talking about me saying No and setting healthy boundaries at work and I really think this could help…