Swimming, Biking And Running... Oh My! Boston Olympic Triathlon *RECAP*
/I don't want to leave everyone on the edge of their chair in suspense so I will let you know I finished the Boston Tri on July 30! I didn't want you all to think I had been out there the past three weeks still swimming, biking and running my way around South Boston! :P I am just waaayyy behind on getting this recap up. ;)
This was my third time competing in the Boston Triathlon: it was my first Sprint in 2013 and first Olympic in 2016. It also marked my 13th triathlon... and I have saved every swim cap as a keepsake. Anyone else?
So before the race, I spent a little time at Boston Physical Therapy & Wellness getting my Normatec on! Anyone else obsessed with Norma? If only I could afford my own pair. Maybe someday... :)
Boston Triathlon allows racers to rack their bike the day before and I like to take advantage of that. Once less thing to worry about race morning... even though we live a whopping 12 min drive from the race. :P
Since I am prone to running past my rack during a race, I try to put my bike at the end of the row, but someone beat me to it! So instead I went to the complete opposite end (closest to the outer wall) so I would have plenty of room during the race. Sleep well Roxie!
I opted for some carboloading with the Finisher's gift from Boston Tri in 2013 - a nice pint glass.
On race morning I was out of bed before 5am so we could be on the road by 5. I know the wife would need a stop at Dunkin before we got to the race. She deserved some coffee and a donut. :)
We easily found a parking space in the lot. Thanks Boston Tri for having plenty of parking and I made my way towards transition. Since we got the tattoo numbers I got to skip the numbering tent.
The butterflies started fluttering around my stomach. I think anyone that reads my blog knows that triathlons scare the crap out of me. It is mainly the biking portion, but either way I am always on edge as soon as I step on-site to the race. Thankfully having to focus on setting up my transition spot helps distract my brain a little.
I still use the post I wrote about setting up my a tri transition spot to this day.
Once I was all set up and had caught up with some of my fellow Zoom teammates and Boston bloggers, I met the wife at the beach and tested out the water quickly. We had to make our way over to the start of the swim for the mandatory safety meeting.
I was in wave 5 so I had about 45 minutes after the meeting before my wave would actually start. I should've been chattier with the wife, but my nerves were taking over. Thankfully just standing next to her and knowing she was there in case anything happened was helping.
Finally they called the red caps to the start.
And now it was go time...
Swim - 1.5k (0.932 miles)
From the beach, the water looked nice and calm. Well friends it was a TAD different once you were in. Haha. I took in a lot of salt water as we headed out towards the buoy.
The Olympic followed the orange line
I tried my best to swim my own race and to not get caught up in the mass. You know trying to avoid the arms and legs of the other racers. Well I had some issues with breathing so I tried to cut over to the right so I could focus on my calming my breathing down. Luckily it worked pretty well.
I never thought we were going to make it to the turn for the Olympic, but DAMN it felt good to turn to the right. The water calmed and I was able to pick up my pace. All of a sudden things were clicking. I was sighting. I had controlled breathing. I was getting into a rhythm.
Then it happened... it was time to turn right and head back to shore. Oh hello current. :P Just after taking the turn, I got a sweet elbow to the jaw! Thanks lady! Haha. I know I know it is part of the sport.
Luckily the swim is my second-favorite part of the race and I really didn't want it to end. But I wanted to try my hardest pace-wise so I tried to pick it up as much as possible. Using my arms as much as possible because hey! I don't need them the rest of the race really. :)
All of a sudden the shore was just ahead of me and once my fingers touched the bottom, it was time to stand up and start hauling butt up the beach.
I really owe the wife a special thanks for being an amazing sherpa/photog!
Do you ever feel like you are running in quicksand? Well that can also be seen as beach sand. I felt like I was trying to get my legs in motion, but they just weren't moving. Yet somehow I made my way up the beach and into transition.
Total Time: 30:21
Pace: 1:55/100 yds
Overall Place: 208/567
Division: 6/22
Transition 1
Yay! I found my row pretty easily and immediately threw on my Sparkly Soul headband and bike helmet. Then plopped my butt on the ground to get my wetsuit off. Yes I put the bike helmet on first since I was scared shitless my first tri when people said don't even touch your bike without your helmet on you will be DQed.
Since I was at the end, I had plenty of room to sit on the ground and get my wetsuit off without potential of falling over and get my socks and bike shoes on quickly.
Once I added my shirt and sparkle skirt, I was ready to hit the bike.
Time: 2:34
Bike - 35k (21.748 miles)
Oh joy time for my favorite part. Can we sense the sarcasm through the screen? I know I love Spin, but for some reason I can't get behind the bike as much as a Spin class.
I headed out of transition and saw the wife right away!! :)
Let's do this! 4 laps featuring some tight turns and out and backs. Luckily we were hill free, which was a treat. :)
Unfortunately I didn't notice that was skirt was rolled up in the back. NOT the look I was going for. I am going to add snaps to my skirt/tri kit so this doesn't happen in the future.
Nothing makes me feel heavier than looking at pics of me on the bike.
I felt like I was in the wrong gear the entire bike. I was pushing hard yet not getting the output I was expecting. But don't worry I was being passed at the usual rate. :)
The wife even got some action shots of me!
During my third loop, the blow up arch over the bike path started deflating. The volunteers did an amazing job leaping into action so none of the riders got stuck in the balloon. :P
Since it wasn't raining (like last year), I wasn't as nervous on the turns as I was the year prior. I just expected to be speedier than last year where actually my biking time was 23 seconds slower (so basically the same).
Total Time: 1:10:52
Pace: 18.4 MPH
Overall Place: 358/567
Division: 6/22
Transition 2
When I hit my spot, the wife was on the other side of the wall cheering me on... or rather there when I was complaining about not being able to breathe.
Oh and she got to see the very sexy action of salt water just dripping out of my nose/sinuses. Let's just say that was very attractive.
But I rallied for at least one good pic while chugging my pedialyte. ;)
It was time to get to my favorite part of the race... the run!
Time: 1:55
Run - 10k (6.2 miles)
YAY! Here we go. As we ran it got warmer and I actually missed the overcast/rainy weather from the year prior. I know I know. I am picky, but it was how I was feeling. :)
I didn't realize until we were out there that they changed the run route from the year prior. So instead of a 3.1 mile loop that was more like a circle, this year's loop had a lot more twists and turns.
At least with all the turns, I had more chances of seeing friends out on the course. I thrive off high-fives and familiar faces. I tried to cheer on other racers that I didn't know. Some liked it - some gave me the "you are the crazy girl wearing a sparkly skirt" look. Yes by now I am mighty familiar with that look. C'mon folks I deserve to be on the course wearing what makes me happy as much as you do. Right?
Anywho, it was during my second loop that I spotted my PTs/Trainers/Friends Zak and Steph. They rolled up at JUST the right moment to see me and give me a much-needed boost.
I think my brain was giving out more than my body. I should've smoked that course, but for some reason I was letting it win. I walked through 2 water stops and took a quick walk break up the final incline. I told myself I had to listen to my body. If I was slower than 2016 then I was slower. The main point was FINISHING upright!
I was so focused on this final turn that I didn't see or hear the wife cheering for me. Sorry babe!
But I was determined to finish strong and get my Finish Line leap in.
Total Time: 49:38
Pace: 8:00 min/mile
Overall Place: 271/567
Division: 6/22
FINAL TIME: 2:35:18
Overall Place: 272/567
Gender Place: 51/180
Division: 6/22
I finished 2017 43 seconds slower than 2016. I think all of that time took place during the first transition as most of my splits looked about the same (swim, bike, run-wise).
Ahhh I was so proud of myself for finishing. I was still having a hard time breathing so the wife and I stood by the beach to get that under control before heading to the post-race party area.
Thanks Boston Tri for offering a selection of post-race beverages: Goose Island IPA, Spiked Seltzer and Michelob Ultra. You can obviously see what I picked. :P
Huge congrats to Beth who finished 3rd in our division. I am so glad I finally said HI after seeing you and your husband Joel at all those races. I love catching up with you whenever we can. You KICKED that race's ass and motivated me to keep moving.
Additional love to Chrissy, a fellow Boston blogger that I FINALLY got to meet in person. I just wish I had caught Sue to give her a big hug after completing her first-ever triathlon.
And my last praise, which is definitely not least, goes to my love. She gets up at the crack of dawn, deals with my freakouts and supports me when I don't believe in myself. I love you babe!
Overall the race was a blast! I love racing through my city and the spectators and volunteers were ON POINT! Special shoutout to Jillian from Runfellow and Lindsay from ZOOM for the cheers I definitely heard during the bike and run.
My Garmin snapped the run at 5.95 miles, but I am not sure if the course was short or I started my Garmin late. I am not accurate yet when switching the 735xt from Swim to T1 to Bike to T2 to run just yet. It usually is off. Like my watch had my T1 as 30 seconds. HA! Not right at all.
I'll be back next year Boston Tri... get the bling ready for me! ;)