#MedalMonday: Check Out Max Performance Triathlon's Harvest Tri Bling - REGISTER TODAY!
/Friends we all know I love me some bling.
If you don't know that, welcome. My name is Dani and I have a slight addiction to race bling. ;)
Well this past week, Max Performance Triathlon and Race Director Tim unveiled the bling for the inaugural Harvest Tri (Sprint and Olympic options).
And drum roll please....

How awesome is that?
I LOVE that the barn doors open!!!!
Ahhh I cannot wait to earn mine on June 10 in Wareham, MA. As I said there is a sprint and olympic option.
Soooo who will I see there? There are still spots open!!!
Remember the following is included in your entry:
- Soft Cotton Lifestyle shirt
- That SWEET Finisher Medal
- Specialized Custom Water bottle
- Post Race BBQ Entry
- Awards: 3 Deep in each age group
- Music – Race MC calling out your name at the Finish!
- Chip Timing with Live Results posted to the web
- Wetsuit Giveaways & Rudy Project Sunglasses
- Wellness Corner – free massage
- Mechanics on site
- Post Race Expo with tons of samples!
- The BEST race experience in the region!