#FaceItFriday: Consistency Is The Name Of The Game

All week long I was looking forward to my Weight Watchers meeting today. 

It's funny how much a 30-minute meeting can impact the other 6 days and 23.5 hours! 

I can't believe it's been 4 months tomorrow since rejoining WW.

On January 27, I was 178.6 and completely miserable. While April was a rough wise, weight-wise, I still feel 1,000 times better than I did four months ago.

I know the key to my long term success at weightloss and healthy living is consistency.

Too many times I have fallen to the all or nothing mentally. I am either 100% on plan or 100% off plan. 

Since starting WW in 2009, I have worked tirelessly at cutting that all or nothing mentality and am proud to say it is something that has lessened over time. Now even when I feel "off the wagon" I still have certain healthy habits that stick with me during those times.

So needless to say whenever I am "off the rails" now it is still NEVER as bad as it was prior to WW.

After getting back to my meetings last week after a 2-week hiatus, this past week I was determined to get back to tracking and my workouts.

Workouts this past week:

Friday - Strength Training class + 1600m swim
Saturday - 45 min Flywheel class
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Step Class
Tuesday - 45 min Flywheel class
Wednesday - Strength Training class + 3.2 mile run
Thursday - 45 min Flywheel class

I am proud to say I tracked every single BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) over the last 7 days and was only -21 for the week. Of course I would've liked to be in the positive, but life. :)

I enjoyed a lovely Sunday afternoon with the wife in Ogunquit, Maine that included beer, pizza and real soft serve ice cream... with sprinkles! Folks I cannot tell you the last time I had real soft serve ice cream with sprinkles. I enjoyed the FUCK out of that ice cream, tracked it and moved on. Now I can go back to my Yasso ice cream bars and sandwiches. :)

I went to a 5k run out of the Night Shift Brewery on Wednesday and had a couple beers. I was worried that bloating would stick with me on Friday's weigh-in so I made sure to get enough water and movement on Thursday... just in case. :P

I seriously love my Thursday night routine: Flywheel class with Melinda then Sweetgreen salad for dinner. I feel awesome and happy going into weigh-in day.

This morning I leaped out of bed at 5:15am and ready to get to my Friday routine. I had my 6am Strength Training class. Got to Dunkin Donuts by 7:15am. Went into WW just after 7:30am. Changed into my weigh-in dress (weighs 6 oz from Old Navy). Hit the scale.

But again before stepping up on the scale I said my 3 positives from the week prior:

  1. I tracked every single BLT
  2. I made it to 4 Flywheel classes this past week
  3. I got the 4 blue dots I wanted when I set my goals last Friday

I stepped on the scale and Tara said... down 3.8 lbs! WOO lost the 3 lbs I gained last week and then some. :)

14.4 lbs since Jan 27... 9.2 to go!

Total Lost: 70.8 (53.2 with WW)
Current weight: 164.2
Heaviest (recorded) weight: 235
Weight Watchers Start weight: 217.4
Goal weight: 155
Lowest weight: 150.2

By Month:

February: -8.2 lbs
March: -7.2 lbs
April: +1.8 lbs
May: -0.8 lbs

Well I am still 1 lb heavier than March 31, but I am happy to see that overall in May I went down.

As I mentioned before: the name of the game here is consistency. So I am promising to myself to continue to track, workout, get my water in and attend my WW meetings in the month of June.

I know I have some social events that will be tricky to navigate, but as long as I keep attending my meetings on Fridays (whether I weigh-in or not) I will stay focused on my overall goal!

How were your last 7 days?