*RECAP* Gone For A Run's Run Now Gobble Later Virtual 5k
/No pictures. No snack breaks. No mimosas mid-run.
This is the most un-"me" race recap I've written in ages. I almost don't even want to share it with you all, but honesty is my policy so I must.
It was a quick decision to hop on the treadmill Thanksgiving Eve and knock out the Gone For A Run Run Now Gobble Later *Virtual* 5k. I had gotten the package in the mail the day before and I couldn't wait any longer to earn the adorable medal and cute gloves.
The turkey slides back and forth on the medal. How original is that?
What I love about virtual races is that you can do them when you want and where you want. You set the course and the timeframe. I tend to do virtual runs as part of my training plan. That bling is a little extra piece of motivation for me.
I fixed my bib to my Tedy's Team singlet and hopped on the treadmill. I was in the middle of watching Perfect Strangers on Hulu so that was brought up on the old Roku. I'm wicked lucky to have a TV attached to my treadmill. I will miss the treadmill when we move. :(
I had one goal for the 5k: negative splits! I usually get distracted when running outside by puppies or kids so I forget to look at my watch or track my pace. I tend to go to the treadmill if I want to focus on pace/negative splits.
I fixed my Sparkle Athletic skirt and hit GO on the 'mill.
I hadn't run on my treadmill in too long so it took about a 1/4 mile to get back into my normal flow.
Mile 1: 9:11
Alright first mile was comfortable, but it was time to continue to up the pace. To keep it simple, I increased the speed on the treadmill each 2/10s of a mile. It ended up being one long ladder workout. Since I never came down the ladder I can't call it a pyramid workout. I started at 6.3 and ended at 8.0 for the last 0.1.
Mile 2: 8:36
Resting the medal on the dashboard of my treadmill kept me motivated each interval increase. Since I was so out of the treadmill game, I couldn't remember which settings I needed to hit a sub-8 final mile so I really had no gauge of what I was going to see when I hit mile 3.
Here's my one action shot! ;)
Mile 3: 8:21
Darn! I definitely thought I was pushing more than the pace let's on. I'm never one that can actually "feel" my pace. My body and I are never in tune like that. :P
FINAL TIME: 26:55 (8:41 min/mile pace)
Goal accomplished! The splits might not have been exactly what I wanted them, but they were progressive and that was my #1 objective.
Are you interested in running a virtual race? Check out what Gone For A Run has in store for the rest of the year. I am seriously digging the Christmas Sweater Run bling!!!
Disclaimer: I did receive comped entry to the race for being a part of the Gone For A Run Virtual Run Team, but all thoughts are my own. Ain't nobody got time for lyin'!