And the WINNER of the Fitbit One Is... #Giveaway

I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting to see if YOU won the Fitbit One.

Well before I share the winner's name I want to thank all of you for participating in this giveaway. It was in no way sponsored by Fitbit. I wanted to spread the love of accidentally receiving two replacement Fitbit Ones with my awesome readers.

So I will stop leaving you all hanging and reveal the winners...

Oh wait, did I just type winners? That's right folks. Because you are all so freakin' awesome I decided to give away BOTH of the Fitbit Ones I received. I am currently enjoying my Fitbit Flex so I thought what better way to pay it forward than by giving away both Fitbits.

NOW I will reveal the winners. Was it YOU?

Winners have been emailed!

Thank you all again for participating, reading and following the blog! :)