Three Things Thursday: 1st She Runs Boston, Autistic Twin Brother Runners & Race Weekend Nerves

Motivation, Inspiration and Determination can be found everywhere you turn. So where did I find it this past week?


1) 1st She Runs Boston Group Run


We had our first She Runs Boston run of the season on Tuesday - out of Athleta on Newbury Street - and it was an awesome turnout! We had 40 amazing women join us for a 3 or 4 mile loop along the Charles River.

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It was a beautiful night in Boston and it was a pleasure chatting with new friends. Some ladies had never run along the Charles before or with a group, while others were getting back into a groove after a harsh winter.


I had the pleasure of making sure both the 3-mile and 4-mile folks all made it back to Athleta. It was my honor to act as overall sweep for both runs. No lady left behind is our motto!!

I absolutely loved meeting new friends - especially some blog readers - and look forward to continued motivation from each weekly run!

Will I see you there next Tuesday? April 21 at 6:30pm at Athleta. Be there or be somewhere not as cool. ;)


2) Autistic Twin Brother Runners

Have you heard of the Schneider Twins? Alex and Jamie Schneider are twin brothers who are both profoundly autistic.

Check out the trailer below for their book: Silent Running:Our Journey to the Finish Line with Autism

[embedplusvideo height="283" width="450" editlink="" standard="" vars="ytid=7zjUaByYtIY&width=450&height=283&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep3057" /]

If you are in Boston this weekend, keep an eye out for these amazing guys at the Boston Marathon Expo or race itself. I really hope to run into them and meet these inspirations!


3) Race Weekend Nerves

"So are you ready for Monday?" - the question I have been asked countless times over this past week

My response: "I sure hope so. Not much more I can do now." <<nervous laugh>>

I nervously laugh, but it is true. Any race prep that really matters has been done. If there was anything more I could've done, now is not the time to dwell on it.

The race nerves have invaded my body and will stay until well... probably until I cross the Finish Line! <<knocks on wood>> NO I am determined to cross that Finish Line baby!

Thankfully starting tomorrow (Friday) the weekend fun will begin and prove to be a necessary distraction from the race nerves. I cannot wait to hit up the Expo (Friday and Saturday), enjoy the BAA 5k with friends (Saturday), devour some pasta at the Tedy's Team pasta dinner (Saturday) and take part in a couple of free shakeout runs (Friday - ASICS, Sunday - Runner's World/Land's End).

But first it's time to work on some last minute outfit decisions... ;)

If you are still interested in tracking me Monday: text 26786 to 234567 for updates!

ALSO if you are running the BAA 5k - meet at 7:15am behind the t-shirt distribution tent for a fun low-key meet-up!!


Where did you find motivation, inspiration or determination this week?