Face It Friday: Post-Marathon Gain & Putting Myself First

Now if we all look at the calendar, we can see that today is in fact Monday and not Friday. Welll I am a tad behind, mmkkay? It's not okay. I wanted to get this post out on Friday following my weigh-in, but life got in the way. I am happy to have a job and see the people I did on Friday, but I didn't have a moment of free "me" time.

Which impacted this post and future postings.

Let's rewind...

Last Monday I was proud to run my 7th marathon (3rd Boston Marathon with Tedy's Team) and it was an absolute blast!


Despite unfavorable weather conditions, we still made the most of the experience. I ran every step with Page and we stopped to visit with family, take selfies and high-five any stranger I could. It was seriously one of my top 2 marathons of all time.

Now I made sure to weigh-in the Friday before (0.8 gain) and allowed myself a tracking pass for Saturday-Tuesday. Which I took since I was non-stop that whole weekend, but there still was some subconscious tracking of course.

I was supposed to get right back on track on Wednesday, but that didn't happen. I can list the excuses here: sick, over-tired, busy with work, etc. But truth is I got lazy with the food choices. I emotionally ate out of exhaustion. I did make sure to track on Wednesday and Thursday, but the numbers were ugly.

I told myself I would get on the scale on Friday morning no matter what. The number would be what it was going to be whether I got on the scale or not.

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There it was a 4.4 lb gain. OUCH!

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A number of things could lead to a gain like that so I tried not to take it to heart. I usually gain the week of a big race anyway so I wasn't shocked. Plus I celebrated the accomplishment how I wanted to! :)

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Instead of looking at the number, I focused on being proud of the fact that I kept to my routine and got on the scale. Plus for perspective my WW goal is 155 so in the grand scheme of things I was still A-okay!

What I needed to make sure didn't happen was: let the gain impact the upcoming week. So Friday I made sure to set my space up for success by meal planning for the weekend and bringing lots of healthy snacks into the house. I felt better already.

Plus just sharing my experiences on social media (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) really does my overall outlook on this journey. So even if I can't write an entire post right after weighing, sharing a quick note on social media helps me process the results.

That being said: I need to make more time for me... and blogging.

I love being a Weight Watchers leader, coach, ambassador and 24/7 expert, but the focus on my own journey has diminished greatly as a result. There is no one to blame for that but me. I love being there for my members, friends and blog readers, but I have a problem stopping helping others and working on me.

(For those of my WW members reading this: Don't stop reaching out to me for help. I am here. Just making some adjustments to my time management)

You would think since I've been doing this for over 3 years that I would've found balance by now - but nope! Let's say I am a slow learner. Or I am taking the scenic route to an answer. Or that I am realizing that my journey is the most important of them all.

It's time I force myself to take some "me" time every day. I got a taste of that during the #30DaysOfPositivity Challenge and I really benefitted from it.

So the excuses are being noted, the schedule being tweaked and the time to recharge being made a priority.

Here's hoping I can follow through...


How do you make "me" time work into your schedule?