T-minus 19 hours until Pumpkinman Half Ironman...

The weekend I have been waiting for all year has finally arrived. The weekend that I really never thought would get here.

During a session entitled “Stop Keeping up with the Joneses” during Fitbloggin (June 2013), we were asked to introduce ourselves.

What I’d love to do as a way to get started, is to have everyone introduce yourself. We’re not a huge group, so just your name and your blog. I’d like you guys to say one weight loss or fitness goal that you’ve seen someone else do that you really wish you could do.

And in that room with my dear friend Sue (aka MrsFatAss) next to me I uttered:

Dani, Weight Off My Shoulders: There’s so many! I’d like to do a half ironman.

Yes thanks to live blogging at the session there is documented proof of what I said.


I signed up for this race back in November 2013. That was almost a year ago. It is so easy and carefree to sign up for something so far away.

As the days clicked past, the workouts were checked off ... the injuries were treated ... the nerves were hidden.

With each passing day, the discussion of the race was there, but it was surreal. Again it was all the way in September.

Then the reality struck down on August 7 - ONE MONTH. One small month to go until I took on a challenge I never thought I would accept.

And in a blur the race is tomorrow! Tomorrow. Less than 19 hours away to be exact. And I am a BUNDLE of emotions.


Thank you Suzi Storm for this! :) 

Today I have laughed, cried, freaked out (sorry to my wife) and have almost thrown up. While all of this is going on, I am reminding myself I chose to sign up for this. It was my choice. Haha. I wanted to do it and push my limits and my comfort zone. Oh and to have fun!


So much gear!

Now with my bags packed and the gear about to be loaded in to the car, I take a moment to reflect back. This training cycle has had its ups and downs - great runs, horrendous bike rides, splendid swims and a sidelining quad injuries (longest 5 days of rest) - but I am proud to say I gave it my all. I tried my hardest during my workouts and made a lot of sacrifices to get things done.

Are there workouts I missed? Yes.

Do I wish I could've done some things differently? Of course.

Am I happy with the time and energy I put into my training? Absolutely.

I couldn't ask any more from my efforts. Screw that - of course I could. There are shoulda, coulda, wouldas out there, but I can't dwell on them. Especially 19 hours before the race.

All I can do now is trust that I did enough and give it everything I can tomorrow.

No one has expectations for the race besides me. I am my own worst critic/enemy. I know that my friends, family and readers will love me no matter what happens. I am the one putting unnecessary pressure on myself, which I am trying to strike from my mind.

Doing my best to store as many positive mantras, thoughts and feelings in my mind between now and the race start so whenever I feel doubt tomorrow ... it can be banished away immediately.

So now that the crying fits happened, I am going to enjoy the ride.

The plan for today/tonight?

*Drive to the hotel in Dover, NH to unload gear/stuff/bike/etc

* Head to Expo (open 4-6)

* Drive the bike course

* Back to hotel

* Dinner

* Relax/Sleep/Foam Roll/Compression as best as possible

Here's hoping the mental ready catches up to the physical readiness!!!


If you would like to track me, you can download the All Sports Events app on iPhone or Android. (My swim wave kicks off at 7:11am.)

* Select Upcoming Events

* Select Pumpkinman Triathlon

* Select Results

* Select Athlete Search

* Search for me (my bib # is 365) and click on Dani Holmes-Kirk

* Click on the heart in the right-hand corner to add me as a Favorite

photo (11)


Thank you all for your constant support and motivation!