What #plankaday has done for me...

Before 2011 the word plank wasn't a normal word in my vocabulary. I mean I knew of the "planking" youtube craze that really just meant people were lying down in random places around the country, not what the fitness world deems a "plank." So plank was not in my wheelhouse ... until August 2011.

Then I read about the #plankaday challenge on Twitter ...

... and I was ready.

The #plankaday craze was started by one fabulous Dr. Sherry Pagoto and I owe so much to her!! :)

I remember doing my first EVER plank while on the road in Milwaukee with the Cubs. I was in my hotel room and gave it a shot. I believe my first plank was either 30 or 45 seconds and I was IN PAIN after that.

Then I decided I was ready to start bringing it into my everyday life because I needed a way to strength my core without doing crunches.

(Side note: I suffered a sprained neck during a rugby game my Senior Year in college and my neck never regained full strength so crunches put a HUGE strain on those muscles. So crunches and I don't get along)

I made the #plankaday part of my Stupendous September challenge in September 2011 and I was HOOKED!!

It is CRAZY how much stronger my core has gotten since starting doing #plankday and how many different types of planks I have learned exist.

I have tried front forearm planks, front straightarm planks, side forearm planks, side straightarm planks, reverse planks and planks with leg raises and altered mountain climbers. And there are SOOO many other variations that I have yet to try yet.

But, wow have I earned a lot in about a years time.

When I hit 1,000 likes on my blog's Facebook page - I committed to doing 1,000 seconds of planks ... AND I DID!!! Say wha??

[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/R_K8U0UUF-4?fs=1" vars="ytid=R_K8U0UUF-4&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=" id="ep1113" /]


Besides that, my plank durations have GREATLY improved.

In fact, on Wednesday, September 5, I hit an all-time #plankaday PR ... I held a front forearm plank for 4 minutes and 20 seconds!

Ahhhh... that is a FAR CRY from my first plank of 30-45 seconds.

#plankaday has given me the confidence to try something new and to truly stick with a core workout program ... plus I have met some pretty SWEET people through the #plankaday hashtag!!

So if you are looking for a new and fun core workout, please checkout plankaday on: Twitter and Facebook! There is one motivating and AWESOMELY cool crew of plankers out there!!

Tell 'em I sent ya! ;)