Oh What A Week...

I cannot believe how much has changed in the last week ... really last 10 days. It was just 10 days ago that I went off to Weight Watchers training to become a WW Leader ... or rather a "baby" Leader. ;) The training would finish up the first half of the full training to be a WW Leader. It sort of seems a lifetime ago that I stepped in to the Hotel on Thursday, March 22 - not really knowing what those three days of training would bring ... or more importantly, the people it would bring in to my life.

I will not go into detail of what the training entailed since that is personal information, but I can say that I learned during that time that I am a heck of a lot stronger than I think I am. I learned that I need to trust my instincts. I learned that it is okay to ask for help. But, most of all, I learned that it was my destiny to be a WW Leader. I 100% believe that.

All of the twists and turns of life has led me to this point. This is where I am meant to be.

But, beyond the amazing experience and amount of knowledge I got during the training, I made some amazing friends. There were 18 people in my training. I was in complete awe and amazement at what all of these people had accomplished with Weight Watchers. It made me appreciate even more how the program works differently for everyone. Everyone tweaks the program to work for them. Between the 18 of us, we got rid of 1,067.6 lbs. Can you even imagine that much weight?

At one point, I tried to look around and envision what the group would look like it we were all back at our starting weights.

It was awesome to meet all these other people that understood where I was coming from and wanted to pay forward all the knowledge that we have gotten during our own weight loss journeys.

We shared laughs, we shared tears, we shared hugs, we shared wine, we shared beer, we shared recipes, we shared exercise routines, but most of all we shared a piece of ourselves with 17 other strangers that bonded us together for life.

Even got to go for a nice 5 mile run on Friday morning (Day Two), which really helped mellow me out. I needed those endorphins. I even learned that my fellow WW Leader-in-training Melinda will be running the Rock 'n' Roll Providence Half in August so I will get to reconnect with her then - if not beforehand. :)

Once, I was done and found out I had passed the training. It seemed as if something switched on in my head. I felt so at peace and excited for what was going to come ahead. The pressure (completely put on myself) was lifted. I had passed and finally could call myself a WW Leader ... okay, a WW "baby" Leader, but I was one step further to reaching my latest goal.

After leaving the hotel on Saturday, I came home completely drained and basically just laid low for the remainder of the day. But the entire time, I had a smile plastered on my face that has yet to come off. :)

I met with my Leader Coach Heather (who is amazing AND puts up with my bajillion questions/worries) on Tuesday to go over the rest of the game plan. She quickly let me know that it would be my time to step in front of a real live meeting that Thursday. Yes, you read that right - about 48 hours after that point in time - I would be in front of a meeting ... and I would be talking Fiber! Again, you read that right - what a "fun" topic to start with. ;)

Thankfully I have a great Coach and amazing WW friends on Twitter and Facebook that they all talked me off a ledge and let me know I would be fine. I quickly went home to start prepping. I would have to do an intro about myself and about half the meeting (so roughly 15 min). Okay, I thought - I can do this.

So I freaked the whole time leading up to Thursday night, as I do. I had my notes with me. I was ready to give it my all.

Thankfully on Thursday when I got to the WW center, they were busy so I was able to distract myself by actually weighing people in and signing up new members.

But, finally I heard Heather start the meeting and I just tried to remember to breathe... one of my BLS buddies (Sara Beth) told me there are only two things you need to do everyday - 1) breathe in & 2) breathe out. Yup, I was repeating that to myself over and over again.

I got up there and just was myself. Thankfully they got my jokes and enjoyed the activity I had lined up for the discussion on Fiber. Once, I got done singing my little Fiber stanza I had for my close I was feeling good. Heather ended the meeting and I waited for the verdict.

While, I was waiting. The members had such nice things to say about my first time at the front of the meeting and I was especially touched when an elderly gentleman came up to me and said he really "enjoyed my presentation." Oh it melted my heart. :)

I met with Heather and she confirmed that the meeting went as well as I thought it had. Phew! So after that I was 3/4 of the way to being a full-fledged WW Leader. Next up? Running an entire WW meeting, which will be happening this Thursday (April 5). So if you are a WW member in the Cambridge, MA area at 5:30 on Thursday, you are more than welcome to come on in and participate and smile a lot. ;)

I really think getting that first time in front of the group under my belt has helped put a lot of my nerves at ease. Plus, it was wicked fun! It just increased my desire to get up there and lead my own WW meetings.

So for now I work on channeling my nervousness into fuel into confidence into one kick a$$ meeting! ;)