One Week Til Hawaii...

I can’t believe I am really saying that tomorrow is our 1-year wedding anniversary. How can time pass this quickly? Honestly? Well I will have more to say about the anniversary itself this weekend, but for now I am thinking about our honeymoon inOahu,Hawaii! One week from today we will be on a flight fromChicagoto LA toHawaii.

I cannot wait to have a full week to just hang with the wife and be without the pups. ;) It will be a whole week away from work. This is my first real vacation in 10 years so I don’t really know how to even prepare for it.

My number one goal was to go into the week feeling happy with myself. I am on Day 11 of tracking everything I eat and have been doing activity everyday. As some of you know, I also hit goal on Tuesday so I want to make sure I don’t undo all my work in one week. ;)

We talked in a meeting one time about vacations. You can be in one of three states of mind: 1) I don’t care what the scale says when I come home; 2) I am going to keep tracking in mind, but not deprive myself or 3) I am tracking everything.

I am going to most likely be in the second mind frame. I have done the “I don’t care” mentality before and it doesn’t bode well for me.

I know I will not be able to track everything I eat or be in control, while on vacation – but I do plan on bringing some tools with me (measuring cups, food scale, etc).

I am uber excited to get some outdoor activity in … while it isn’t 39 degrees out. :P I think a run along the beach will be a great change of scenery. I also am pretty psyched to be hiking up a volcano. How cool will that be?

Thankfully, we did not buy the “all inclusive” package for this vacation. Now, I know I will not be hitting up a ton of buffets or drinking more than I want to just because we paid for it.

The one biggest obstacle will be clothing. I don’t really have any summer clothing that fits so I will be rocking a lot of my Lululemon workout clothes and possibly purchasing a couple items while down there.

What tricks do you have to walk the line between vacation and on plan?