Halloween Before And After

It was two years ago today that I first dressed up as a member of the Silver Snakes from Legends of the Hidden Temple. My friends took a bunch of pictures before we went out. It was seeing that picture that sent me to join Weight Watchers two days later (November 2, 2009). This year. Being slightly more content in my skin than back then. I opted to dress up in the same costume for this Halloween...

But, there was a big difference. When I ordered the t-shirt in 2009, I needed a men's XL. This year, I bought a men's M.

THAT is something to be proud of. I may look at the picture below and all I see is where I need to continue to improve ... but I am forcing myself with this picture to admit how far I have come. There has been legit blood, sweat and tears to get rid of over 50 lbs of faaaatttt!!

For this moment, I am not going to look at where I need to go, but rather where I have come...