Are You Ready To Run The Bay With Represent Running? In Person OR Virtually! Discount Code Included.

Note: I did receive a complimentary entry into the Represent Running Run the Bay Challenge because I am an ambassador for Represent Running. All opinions are my own. Ain't nobody got time for lyin'!

Do you ever sit home and pine over your friends' glamorous photos and bling from races around the country? 

Working through some serious #FOMO?

I know it happens to me on almost a daily basis.

One of the race series I really missed out on last year because well simply put I live on the wrong coast was the Represent Running Run the Bay Challenge!

I lived in San Francisco for a year in 2007 and really miss the Bay Area. 

Check out the 2015 bling posted by my friend Pavement Runner:

I mean how could I not be drooling over that bling! Simply EPIC.

As you can see in Pavey's Instagram note, there is an option to be a "remote runner." #MindBlown


I am a big advocate for virtual races. Why miss out on some sweet bling and a good cause just because you can't travel to the location of the event??

So for 2016, I AM ALL IN! That's right friends. I am ready to Run The Bay... from the Boston area. :) 

Let's get to the details...

The Run The Bay Challenge includes three races:

Have I hooked you yet? Want more? Okay!

Each race includes a Finisher's medal and race t-shirt.

Man need more icing on the cake?

If you complete all three races, you receive ANOTHER MEDAL! 

Jeez you need more?

Okay! I've got a discount code for you:

Use code Represent2016DH to get 10% off registration
for The San Jose 408k Race to the Row.

Now if you are looking to sign up for the challenge, you can still use that discount code for the San Jose 408k portion of the challenge. 

There's just one question left: are you in?